Taniwha Core40 963 9'6" higher modulus fly rod blank, 4pc
The Taniwha Core40 963 9'6" higher modulus fly rod blank is available in 3, 5 and 7wt variants
Hot copper metallic finish only in 9'6" length, supplied with a black rod sock
The Core40 series: A very affordable range of higher performance IM10 40 ton higher modulus carbon fibre blend blanks for those looking for punchier performance at modest cost. Middle-to-tip to tip flex action, fast progressive taper, tending to medium-fast in 9'6" length.
The Core40 963 has a pleasingly crisp and responsive action ideal for upstream dry and nymph stream and river fishing, striking a balance between the benefits of added reach and the more nimble casting performance of a shorter rod.
The Core40 965 is a true 5wt with a pleasingly crisp action ideal for all round river fishing on larger waters, and for still water dry fly applications.
The Core40 967 is a true 7wt with a pleasingly crisp action ideal for river streamer fishing and heavy nymphing on larger waters, and for still water bank fishing with the power to cast a long line where needed