The Dreaded Decal

They’re really not that hard to install

FRC Ogawa 7’ 3# Decal

Installing decals is fairly straightforward, rather than describing what to do there’s this great video from American Tackle that shows how to succesfully install a decal and to inscribe your own custom text.

What the video doesn’t show is epoxying over the decal after it’s been placed on the blank. Using the same epoxy as used to finish the wraps cover the decal with the epoxy spreading it lengthways and around the complete circumference of the blank, use plenty of epoxy as after it’s covered you’ll then turn the blank and remove the excess. Applying and removing epoxy is best used with an electric rod turner/ dryer as this allows the epoxy to self-level.


Wilcox Custom Rods


Bushings/ Arbours in Rod Building